Physician Assistant for Mental Health Services
Kingman, AZ
8-15 appointments daily
90 minute evaluations
30 minute medication checks
1-2 evaluations daily
Hours 8-5 M-F
Call is shared (additional compensation for call)
Base salary starts at $115,000+ based on experience.
Negotiable sign-on bonus
Loan Re-Pay
Comprehensive medical and dental insurance policy
Voluntary vision insurance available
Long-term disability income insurance
Worker’s Compensation
Unemployment insurance coverage
Life insurance in the amount of $50,000
401 K pension plan “The Mohave Plan”
Moving allowance of $5,000.00
Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Expense Reimbursement
Reimbursement for Licensure Fees (Arizona License application & ongoing renewal fees)
Eight paid holidays
Paid Days Off (includes vacation and sick leave)
Professional Liability/Claims Policy